Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Beret From Paris

A few weeks ago my Dad sent this beret to Emma. Before sending it he called me and told me about it. In 1955 my dad was in Paris, France. While there he bought three berets and decided that he wanted to start a collection. That collection never materialized, but he still kept the berets. He came across them not too long ago and noticed that one was quite small. He wondered if it would fit Emma, so he sent it.

I think that it is pretty nifty that Emma has a beret from Paris that is over 55 years old. That's older than me!!! It is in excellent condition and looks kind of cute on her. She wore it to a Young Women's activity where they served dinner and visited with some of the single sisters in our ward. Evidently it was a great conversation piece.

(cute photo of Emma above, but not exactly lady-like)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Carl Bloch Exhibit

Breathtaking. That is the only word I can think of to adequately describe the Carl Bloch Art Exhibit at BYU right now.

Last night I attended this event with Emma and her Young Women's group and let me just say that I walked away stunned. This is probably the best art exhibit I have ever seen. Okay, maybe it does not quite beat the 40 Rembrandt etchings I once saw, all in the same room, but it is right up there.

Some of the paintings were so magnificent that it appeared as if some of the figures could walk right off the canvas and stand next to you. The pictures posted below do not even come close to doing justice to these wonderful pieces of art.

As we walked in there was a quote on the wall in vinyl lettering that said "He dipped his paintbrush in his heart" (referring to Carl Bloch). As soon as I turned away from this and looked to the right I was confronted with a painting that absolutely took my breath away. I instantly understood the quote. The painting was immense. Probably at least 16 feet by 14 feet. I felt as if I was part of this masterpiece. It was magical.

All I can say is if you had not had the chance to see this exhibit, go. As soon as possible. Then go again. I am planning to go back and just sit and enjoy it without the distraction that sometimes comes from a twelve year old girl. Love ya Emma, but I want to just sit in that gallery and soak it all in. Kind of selfish, but I know I will not have the chance to see something like this for a very long time, if ever.
Emma and Jaime outside the gallery on campus.
The painting above was my favorite from the exhibit. There were actually a few studies of this on display. One drawing and a smaller painting as well as a large alter piece. I loved the symbolism. This picture actually leaves out some of the details that can only be seen in person. In the foreground of the original are some white flowers growing off to the left side. Powerful message. Loved it!
There were also some non-religious etchings and paintings as well. Equally incredible.
Emma loved this one. When you see this in person you feel as if the Savior is about to take a step forward and come right up to you. I loved this one also.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Indoor Soccer

This Winter Emma has been playing on an indoor soccer team and she has loved it! Most of the team members of her Spring/Fall team are on this team. It has been a great way for them to keep up their skills during the cold Winter months as well as get some of that crazy energy out of that little body.

She still has two more games in this league and hopefully I will be able to record some of her goals so that I can post them. I love watching her play. Such intensity and passion. That girl is focused when she steps on that field.

My daughter-in-law, Samantha, took these pictures with her nifty new camera (that I am totally jealous of!) . I love the one posted above with Emma and her coach, Aryl. He has been great for her and very patient as well. She adores him and has no desire to play for anyone else. Below are a couple of pictures that seem to capture in a small way her love of the game.
(Above) Emma watching the action at the other end of the field. I love the look on her concentration.
(Above) Emma kicking the ball between the defenders legs.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What I Found On My Walk Today

Today I went for a walk. It feels great to be outside again walking in the fresh air. I walked past the temple and was heading down the hill past a vacant lot that was over grown with trees and bushes. As I was walking past the empty lot, I happened to look over and spotted a deer. It was looking me right in the eye and just sat there. I kept walking and smiled to myself. What a great sight! I was thinking to myself "What a gift to see something like that in the middle of a busy neighborhood."

I walked about 30 more feet and looked over at the lot one more time. What I saw this time stopped me in my tracks. It was more deer. Not just one or even two more, but SIX MORE. I stayed put for a while and just watched them. All but one was laying on the ground and calmly looking at me. They were all least I could not see a Buck among them anywhere. Maybe he was lurking somewhere close by.

As I stood there enjoying this wonderful sight, I began to notice other things around me. I saw one person on a bike ride past. Another person jogged by with ear plugs in her ears. Numerous cars zipping past and not one of these people had a clue what was in the trees just mere feet away. What a shame. Such beauty and grace right in the middle of the madness and nobody noticed.

I wonder how many times I have walked past this very spot and not seen anything either. Sad really. As I finally resumed my walk I thought about this. I realized that I need to open my eyes and learn to look for the beauty and tender mercies around me. Little reminders of my Father in Heaven and all that He has created.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Playing With Fire

A few weeks ago Emma came home and informed me that she had to make an exhibit for the annual Science Fair at her school. It was a mandatory assignment and she was excited...I was not. I think of all the projects that my children have done over the years, this is my least favorite. Actually, I hate it. Yep...I know that hate is a strong word, but it fits. I think it is just my right sided brain that can't stand this kind of stuff. Give me some blank paper and some art supplies and I am great. Formulas and theories, not so much.

Anyway, Emma was excited and that was what really mattered. Josh came up with the idea for her experiment and I delegated the follow through to Tara and Greg (pretty sly of me-huh?). Her experiment was to see which kind of fabric would burn slowest in a fire. Tara helped her decorate her board and print out her facts and Greg did the actual experiment with her. I figured we needed an adult on hand in case she accidentally burnt down our home. Emma did everything else.

I helped her with some final touches and sent her off to school with her display board and pretty much forgot about it. That is until Friday when she came home with her board AND a red ribbon. Evidently she placed second in her class - who knew??? She was excited and I was both surprised and proud. Maybe we have a mad scientist in our family! Mad? Probably. Scientist? That remains to be seen. At least she has had a great beginning.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Am Sad

Today it was announced that the head coach for the Utah Jazz is retiring. I have loved watching Jerry Sloan over the years am I am sad that this era is coming to an end.

I began watching the Jazz when my children were little. Christopher and I spent many a night watching the games together. Karl Malone and John Stockton were our heros...well, at least two of them. I was also sad when both of them individually announced their retirements. It just seems like basketball is not what it used to be. Too many egos and way too much money changing hands now. Kind of sad really.

People like Jerry are gone. He loved the game and you could tell each night that he was court-side with his team. I will miss watching him get T-ed up by the officials. I will miss seeing him fly off the bench in a fit of passion. I will miss watching that look on his face when he was in complete astonishment of a foul not called or of one that should not have been called.

I know that the Jazz will go one, but a part of my heart will always be with the boys of the "old school". Best wishes to Jerry. He is one of the good guys.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mr Scribbles Chillin'

I love Mr. Scribbles. He is the most entertaining, quirky cat I have ever seen. Earlier this evening Greg looked out our bedroom door and this is what greeted him. Mr. Scribbles chillin' on the top stair. At least 1/2 of him made it up on the top stair. I guess it was just too much effort for him to go all the way up.

(The picture is blurry because Greg grabbed the phone instead of the actual camera. He was worried that Mr Scribbles would move before he took the picture)

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Last Sunday I was conducting and excusing the Junior Primary to go to classes. As they were filing out, cute little Josh F. came running up to me and gave me the BIGGEST hug ever. After he finally let go, the rest of his adorable class lined up to hug me. Melt my heart. Aren't children the best? Those cute, pure, spontaneous hugs made my day. Perhaps even my week. Have I mentioned lately how much I love Primary?

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Yesterday a bug hit our home. I came home from a busy morning with an awful headache. I rarely get sick or even get headaches, but this one was a whopper. I took some medicine (which I never do...I try not to take medicine unless I am truly desperate) and went to bed and slept most of the afternoon. Emma came home from school and I could instantly tell that she was not herself either.

So today Emma and I laid around the house watching movies, blowing our noses and downing large amounts of NyQuil...well, at least she did the NyQuil part. Greg does not allow me to take NyQuil anymore. Last time I took some I kept him up all night accusing him of taking my pillow and frantically trying to find it. I don't remember any of it and actually thought I had had a great night's sleep - ha! At least one of us did :)

As I am typing this, Greg is in Emma's bed and Emma is lying beside me in his spot. What a great, thoughtful dad. She really wanted to sleep in my room tonight. Her argument? Keep the sickos together. I guess that convinced him.

Goodnight for now...I am off to sleep with my fellow sicko... I hope she doesn't take my pillow...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Not So Little Anymore

Today is Emma's twelfth birthday. Holy cow...when did she grow up? It seems like yesterday I was in labor in the middle of the Super Bowl :) Sunday was her last week officially in Primary and tomorrow will be her first night going to Young Women's. Crazy stuff.

Last Friday we let her have a party at our home to celebrate her big day. She invited a gaggle of girls to come join the fun and our home was very loud and giggly for about 4 hours. I admit, my head kind of hurt during part of it. I am getting old. Emma, however, had a great time.

They watched a movie, ate lots of Carmel corn, played games, ate cake and ice cream and ended the evening with a vigorous game of Hide & Seek in the dark. That was the funnest part for me. We turned off all the lights in the house with the exception of the light on the hood of the stove and told the girls to go hide. The person that was "it" was armed with a flashlight. Only three places were off limits: My bedroom, the storage room and the garage. These girls were funny! I had gals hiding in the pantry (telling me how good it smelled...evidently it smells like sugar in my pantry), under the kitchen table, in Josh's room and I even helped hoist Emma up on top of my kitchen cabinets. Good thing she is tiny! And... nobody found her :) It was funny watching the person that was "it" walk into the kitchen, talk to me, look around and still not see her. I was standing directly below her! It was hard to keep a straight face :)

Greg thought I was nuts letting them run wild in the house and a few years ago, I may have agreed. However, time has mellowed me and I have realized that these are the kind of things that make memories and that is what is really important. Nobody got hurt, nothing was damaged and everyone had a great time. Success. only get one twelfth birthday party.