Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Playing With Fire

A few weeks ago Emma came home and informed me that she had to make an exhibit for the annual Science Fair at her school. It was a mandatory assignment and she was excited...I was not. I think of all the projects that my children have done over the years, this is my least favorite. Actually, I hate it. Yep...I know that hate is a strong word, but it fits. I think it is just my right sided brain that can't stand this kind of stuff. Give me some blank paper and some art supplies and I am great. Formulas and theories, not so much.

Anyway, Emma was excited and that was what really mattered. Josh came up with the idea for her experiment and I delegated the follow through to Tara and Greg (pretty sly of me-huh?). Her experiment was to see which kind of fabric would burn slowest in a fire. Tara helped her decorate her board and print out her facts and Greg did the actual experiment with her. I figured we needed an adult on hand in case she accidentally burnt down our home. Emma did everything else.

I helped her with some final touches and sent her off to school with her display board and pretty much forgot about it. That is until Friday when she came home with her board AND a red ribbon. Evidently she placed second in her class - who knew??? She was excited and I was both surprised and proud. Maybe we have a mad scientist in our family! Mad? Probably. Scientist? That remains to be seen. At least she has had a great beginning.

1 comment:

CaryManda said...

I'm with ya sister. I LOATHE science fairs. And, I'm going to have one every flipping year for 4 more years.
BOO! Hiss!
I love the idea though! I might "encourage" Cuauhtli to do that next year. :)

Emma looks so lovely. She's changed so much!