Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Funny Memory

I spent this past weekend moving Dayna and Peter into their new home. Or as my mom put it, it is actually "a shop that happens to have a house" hahaha. That seems about right.

I admit, I was a little sad saying goodbye to their old home...and it is not even mine. Dayna and Peter have lived her for the past 9 years and I have had some fun times inside these walls.

As I was moving I recalled a memory that I had tucked away a long time ago. When I mentioned it to Dayna and mom they confessed that they had forgotten about it too. It is just too funny not to share, so here goes.

When Dayna and Peter moved into this home years ago, they did some major renovations. One trip to Boise I spent helping Dayna put some of the finishing touches into her home. There is a bathroom downstairs next to the guest room (that I used all the time when I visited) that Dayna had redone. New paint everywhere. She wanted to put a cute wallpaper boarder around the top of the walls to finish it all off. So...she asked me to help.

We had that gooey paper wrapped around almost completely in place when all at once we both noticed (at the same time) the corner begin to peel back from the point of origin. It was like were watching a slow motion movie. We couldn't get to it in time to stop it and both of us were so shocked that we didn't even say a word. All we could do was watch it peel away from the wall in a clock wise motion like a tidal wave coming straight for us. When it reached the point directly above the sink, the paper drooped down and landed on top of the vanity lights (all six of them). As it did so, each light exploded with a loud BANG and shattered pieces of glass where flying EVERYWHERE. was hilarious. Both of us looked at each other at the same time and burst out laughing. We were laughing so hard that we began to cry.

My mom had been sitting out in the family room close by and because the door to the bathroom had been closed, she did not see what had transpired. All she heard was our uncontrollable laughter and a six loud BANGS! Maybe this is one of those things where you had to be there...I don't know. I do know that I have not laughed that hard ever again.

I hope her new home will hold some great laughs as well...time will tell.

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