Saturday, December 18, 2010

'Tis The Season

Yesterday I had a crazy busy day. I spent my morning madly getting housework and Primary stuff complete and then went to Emma's Christmas Sing at her school. She did a great job! Another "last" to check off my list :(

Every year our elementary school has each class sing to their parents various Christmas songs. Emma did great, but my favorite moment has nothing to do with her. I had to attend by myself this time and as I was sitting there watching the little first grade class file in I spotted little Trevor C. from my old Primary class. As he looked out at all the people he looked like he was seriously going to hurl. This cute little boy is scared to get up in front a lots of people. Anyway...after a few moments I realized that his parents must have attended the morning performance because I could see he was looking ANYWHERE for a familiar face. I could tell he was scared to death. After a little bit he spotted me and suddenly a big smile crossed his face that melted my heart. For the rest of his class performance he was waving and smiling at me...cute stuff. Even after he was done and he was filing out of the room, he kept his eyes on me and was still waving. LOVE THAT KID. How grateful I am that I was able to teach that wonderful little class last year.

Here is a picture of Emma with her BFF, Casey Ann. We love her too :)
After the performance I had been asked to help with Emma's class Christmas party. We had a blast! We played the candy bar game with the gloves and the candy bar that was wrapped a million times that they had to unwrap. We also played our version of "Minute To Win It". Below are some of the pictures from that game. One game they had to move a Christmas ornament with air from waving a box lid.
Another game they had to get a cookie from the top of their forehead into their mouths without touching it. Funny.
The last game they had to blow Christmas cards across a table and try to get just one flap to hang over the edge. Not many succeeded in that one.
And finally one of the moms told a story where the kids where passing their gifts around left and right according to what the story told them. They loved it!
Here is Ty working his snow fairy hat and shades that he got as a gift. If you knew Ty, you would see how perfect this was for him.
Emma's friend, Ashley was sporting some pretty snazzy socks that I had to get a picture of. When I snapped it I realized her shoes were pretty neat too.
This picture is as we were all walking home. Maddie, Ashley, Casey Ann, Jaycee, Stormy, Ashley and Emma.
After the school party I had an hour before Greg and I had to run down to Provo for a wedding reception for one of my Laurels. We then drove back home and attended a neighborhood party that we go to every year. It is a White Elephant gift exchange and every year it gets better and better. Let's just say what happens at this party, stays at this party ;) We played another version of "Minute To Win It" there...that must be the game of the year or something. By the end of the evening, Greg and I both came home and dropped. Fun day but very tiring.

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