Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Good Will Toward Men

Today I had a lot to do. Last night it snowed, a lot. Not a good combination when one has a busy schedule.

When I got up and saw all the snow outside I knew that I would be digging out the car before I could leave. Not a fun way to start a busy day. However, I put on my boots, coat and grabbed the snow shovel and found my buried car. I then shoveled the snow away from the car so that I could actually leave the driveway. I guess I did not do a good enough job because I only got half way out of the driveway before becoming stuck. Really stuck. As I sent Emma into the house to wake up Josh to come help me, two kind young men came up to me and asked if I needed help. Did I ever. They spent the next 30 minutes or so digging me out. Not only did those men offer to help, but another gal from my ward drove by and stopped her car and came over to help also. Before long I was on my way and free from the snowy mess that had previously surrounded me.

How blessed I am. It seems that whenever something goes wrong I always have little angels sent to help me out. Today these angels actually appeared out of no where...at least two of them did. And all they wanted was a "thank-you".

When I finally came home from my errands I noticed that not only was my driveway cleared, but the sidewalks all around the block had been cleared too. I walked in the door and found Josh and started talking to him. I quickly discovered that he had taken the snow blower out and not only cleared our walkways, but the entire block! I did not even have to suggest it...he just did it. Maybe he really has been listening and learning all this time. Makes a mom proud :)

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