Monday, September 20, 2010

Smiles & Waves

Yesterday was the first time that I have conducted Primary in a very long time. I wasn't nervous until about 5 minutes before Primary was to begin. I was watching all the children and teachers file in and my heart started to go a little crazy. Just as I thought I might very well throw up, I looked to the back of the room and there they were. My cute little CTR 6 class that I had just been released from teaching was sitting there trying to get my attention. They were all sitting there so darn cute. Each of them was smiling at me and trying to be reverent as they slyly waved at me. Oh, how I love each of those children. They are going to be such valiant missionaries and moms for the Lord someday. They are truly special. How could my day get even better after seeing that glorious site? It did...

As I was giving the presidency message I became very emotional. I was reading a poem that President Monson has quoted many times in conference about showing love for others. As I was reading I realized how incredibly quiet the room was. You could literally hear a pin drop. I know people use that terminology all the time, but for really could have heard one. It was the very definition of still. I was thinking to myself "How can 80 children plus all those adults be so quiet?" As I realized how amazingly quiet it was, I all at once felt an overwhelming sense of love from my Heavenly Father for each of those children in that room. How this touched me. I could hardly speak. It was such an intense feeling of pure love. The spirit was incredibly strong. It was wonderful. How can anyone not feel the spirit when they come in those Primary doors? Each of those children is precious and I know it sounds a little crazy, but I already love EACH of them. And while I can't teach my cute little CTR 6 class anymore, I still will look forward to seeing each of their smiling faces every Sunday. And maybe if I am lucky, one will wave at me periodically. Yes...Primary is a wonderful place to be.



Gosh Dawna I'm all teary eyed. This needs to be submitted to the Ensign. I love it and I love you! You are definitely the right gal for the job. Your primary is very lucky to have you for their President. Thank you for being such a great lady and for sharing this. I adore you.

Marja Liisa said...

Congrats Dawna on your new calling!!! You will be great in there...maybe my boys will behave more often with you watching over their shoulders!:}

CaryManda said...

love reading your words! love you!
You'll be amazing! Teaching all those little spirits so many naughty, i mean spiritual, things!