Friday, August 27, 2010

A Senior & A Sixth Grader

I can't believe another school year has started again. Wow...they seem to be going by faster and faster each year. This year Josh is a senior and very proud of that little fact. He is excited to have a great school year and head off to college soon. Emma is starting sixth grade. This is the last year I will have a child in elementary school. Crazy.

Last Friday we took both of them out to lunch to celebrate going back to school and to mark the official end of their summer. They don't look too sad about it, do they?

Josh hates having his picture taken early in the morning, so I promised I would leave him alone. (Precisely the reason I took a picture of him at the lunch). I knew that Emma would gladly pose for the camera, so her she is...moments before heading out the door ready to conquer sixth grade.

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