Thursday, July 1, 2010

These Girls Say The Funniest Things

Emma and I just returned from a short trip to Boise to see Dayna and my mom. Emma invited her good friend, Casey, to come along too and I have to say these two girls were VERY entertaining. My mom and I were laughing a lot at the crazy things these two girls would say. Here are a few:

1. "Girls don't kidnap people, they brainwash."

2. "We like boys with "sparkly eyes"" (Not exactly sure what this means)

3. "Never eat the outside of a kiwi or you will have fuzzy poop."

4. " I don't like to read in the light. I prefer it to be dark when I read."

5. "Does this ward have a shortage of boys?"

6. On the way there we stopped in Tremonton to get some lunch. The girls wanted vanilla Frosty's from Wendy's and chicken nuggets from McDonalds. So...I went through the Wendy's drive thru and then headed next door to McDonald's for the nuggets. On the way into McDonald's the girls realized they were holding (gasp) Wendy's cups. Casey said to me "Maybe they will just think that this is ranch dressing for our nuggets." Sure. 16 oz of ranch dressing. Each.

I really enjoyed this little outing with these two gals. Well, except from the one night of vomit. I could have probably done without that.

I have no doubt that in the future whenever I hear Carrie Underwood sing "Undo It" I will think of our little road trip and I will remember how we cranked up the music and sang that song as loudly as we could. Good times. Pictures will be coming soon...

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