Friday, September 16, 2011


Today I have felt yucky. Flu yucky. We are supposed to be going to the cabin with Tara, Austin, Chris and Sam (Jenni and Cordell have to work) tomorrow, so I hope I feel better soon. I was determined that flu or not, I was going to finish organizing my newly painted family room/computer room. I couldn't stand the chaos one more day! It had to be done...

While doing so, I came across a biography paper that Josh wrote in high school for an English class. Tucked in the very last plastic cover were 2 letters - one titled "Parents" and another that said "Children". Yep, I opened and read the one that said parents and what I read made my flu feeling subside for a bit.

Here is part of what he said in his letter:

"Mom, thanks for teaching me ethics and teaching me how to work and how to appreciate the small things in life..."

Moments like that seem to make all those years worth while. No, it is not a monetary payment, but an eternal payment. He gets it. At least on that day he did and hopefully in the future it will stick with him as well.

I know people will think I am crazy for typing this when I feel utterly awful, but I wanted to remember it and knew that if I did not do it right now, I would forget.

There. It is done and I can go lay down for a while and rest--And hopefully feel good enough to get up in a bit and get everything ready to head out of town...

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