Saturday, January 17, 2009

One Month From Today

I was talking to my sister in -law today and she mentioned that one month from today we will all be at the airport waiting for Christopher to get off a plane! Wow!!! I cannot believe how fast these past two years have gone by. Our conversations at home are changing a bit too. We now say things like "When Christopher gets home..." and "We need to wait to do that when Christopher is home..." It hardly seems real that we are at the end of this journey.

I have been in the airport a few times since he has left and each time I have been able to see families waiting near the baggage claim for a missionary. I always kind of just put that out of my mind and thought that it is a long way off. Now the time is almost here and soon it will be our turn. Before you know it, we will be the Mormon family at the Salt Lake airport with lots of yellow balloons and banners anxiously waiting to see a young man in a suit coming down the escalator. I can't wait!!!

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