Monday, September 15, 2008

You Know You Are A Redneck When...

...You use a blow torch to light your birthday candles :) I have been meaning to post this for a while, but life has just been crazy and I forgot about it. A couple of weeks ago my Dad was in town and on the Friday evening that he was here we had a barbeque at Mark's house to celebrate the 20th birthday of Mark's twins, Tavyn and Tyson. We could not find a lighter anywhere to light the candles and the next thing we knew, Colton came running up to the table with a blow torch and said "Will this work???" We all thought...Why not?! It was pretty funny watching Mark and Brandt get into the lighting of the candles. We were all kidding around and came up with the Redneck joke. Lezlie has some pictures on her blog about it too. Maybe we will have to make this a family tradition-Hmmmmmm :)


Kris said...

I love this picture. I think Mark has a love affair with the blow torch. He uses it for everything just ask Colton about it. (haha)

By the way sorry to hear of your Grandma. She was a great lady!

CaryManda said...

HA! Reminds me of home! ;)