Saturday, June 28, 2008

Emma's Swimming Lessons

Yesterday was the last day for Emma's swimming lessons. She really enjoyed them and learned a lot. She has always been a little fish in the water with no fear whatsoever. She has been able to jump off of the diving board and swim to the side since she was two years old. We will have to sign up for another session so that she does not forget everything that she has learned so far. Her teacher told me that she was a very good swimmer and just needed to not be so "social"...isn't that code for she talks a lot? Why couldn't I just have ONE child that was shy and scared of people???

1 comment:

The Good Gomer Family said...

This site needs a general comments section I think. Your site looks awesome!!! Aren't you having so much fun!! I could hardly wait to get home tonight and look and browse.....I'm an addict!!!!!!