I have not been the most faithful blogger lately. I apologize. This summer has been so busy and I must confess that blogging has not been my top priority. I will have to repent and get back to being a more dedicated. In the meantime, here are some quick updates on our family.
1. I guess the biggest and most exciting news is that Christopher is engaged! His cute fiance is Samantha. She is perfect for him. She is a tiny little thing that does not seem to have a problem putting that big boy in his place. He absolutely adores her and they seem very happy. They plan to be married on November 20th in the Salt Lake Temple. We are actually heading out to her home to meet her parents later this evening. I can't believe that I have another child getting married just five months after Tara. The love bug has definitely caught the Williamson children...and it seems to still be spreading :)
2. School has started once again. It is strange to have only two children in school (outside of college). I was thinking the other day that the last time that I had only two children attending school was 1993. As much as I miss our relaxed summer schedule, it is nice to get back to early morning routines.
3. My Dad is feeling much better. He has been struggling with prostate cancer and after a complete physical, it was discovered that his fatigue is from type 2 diabetes, not just the cancer treatments. His sugar levels were through the roof and now that he is getting everything under control, he is gradually feeling like his old self again. After our visit to see him earlier this summer, I was thinking he would not be around too much longer. How fortunate we are that this is not the case!
4. I have been back on the hunt for dead people. After taking the summer off to spend with the kids, I now have the time to resume my genealogy. I cannot believe the things I am coming across. There is no doubt in my mind that many people on the other side are anxiously awaiting their temple work. I am just about ready to submit more names and I hope to have another day at the temple with all the nieces and nephews to do begin the ordinances.
5. Soccer season has begun once again. Emma had her first game yesterday and did awesome! She scored all three of her teams goals. They ended up loosing the game in a nail biter 3-4, but they certainly gave it their all. They are playing in the 11-12 year old league this year and her team consists of all 11 year olds. The team the played yesterday had girls that were all 12. With that being said, they played GREAT!.
6. I have been continuing my service mission at the Mount Timpanogas temple. I serve once a week for three hours tending to the grounds with some amazing woman. I love this calling! Not only is it peaceful working in the Lord's garden, but I love the relationships I have built with these incredible ladies.
7. Our computer had some unforeseen difficulties and Greg did his magic once again and this time "created" me a new computer. He used a rather old computer that does not even have a port for my camera. Thus the reason for the absence of pictures on this post. He is working on getting me an adapter so that I can get back to using photos!