About a month ago Jenni and Cordell introduced us to a show called "Prison Break". Christopher and Sam had shown it to them. It is not on TV anymore, but all four seasons are available on DVD. After a few shows, I was hooked. Okay...obsessed. Not something that I am terribly proud of, but man, it was intense. I can't tell you how many nights I went to bed and found myself running in my dreams from imaginary people who supposedly worked for the government. I recall one dream in particular where I was frantically trying to get into my childhood friend's mother's home looking for a piece of paper in her basement. I know, wierd. I just wanted the madness to stop! Hahahahaha.
I am now happy to report that I finally finished the last episode today and I feel complete. I feel like I can rest and not worry if Michael, Lincoln, Sarah, Mahone, Sucre or any of the other crazy characters will be free and have everyone believe them. The world is right again :) It feels good to be back in charge of my life once more. Perhaps I will even have a great night's sleep tonight knowing that everyone receied their just reward.
We're the same way with The Mentalist. It's the best show ever, and we watched the entire first season in about 3 weeks. I had weird dreams too...
Emma told me that all of you were watching it! I love that series...I have only seen until season 3. I told Emma not to tell me what happens. I need to Netflix it!
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