Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tommy The Kitten

After eight years of being not being able to produce kittens, our cat, Maddie surprised us on Mother's Day with one cute little feline. We named him "Tommy" after Thomas S. Monson and soon grew to really love the little guy. He was very cute and had a large personality. Emma was especially attached to him. He loved being in the house and really had no interest in going outside too much. He loved being around our family and just be held and petted. He even found my pillow to be his favorite spot to take cat naps. He just recently had his six week birthday and we placed a sign outside that said "Free Kitten". I had a knock at our door not more than 30 minutes later from a lady and three little kids. They said that they had an older cat that was dying and wanted a new kitten to replace it. How could we not let Tommy go live in this nice families home? Emma had lots of tears but now realizes that Tommy is very happy and is living with an awesome family. We will never forget little Tommy and how cute he looked swinging from the curtains in the family room by the sliding glass doors. We miss you Tommy!

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