Dear Dad,
Yep, another week has flown by and boy I get so tired by the end of the day. so, I wrote you a letter last week and I lost it so I apologize that you have not received one from me for a while.
So this last week has been crazy. We have had lots of meetings and planning to do for the Zone. Also, this past Monday we got a 2 week missionary named Jared Gardner and boy, he drives me crazy and he is a test of my patience. He is a good kid and all. He wants to work, he just does embarrassing things out in public. He turns 18 in 2 months.
On Tuesday the 17th the mission doctor came and I loved that because he talked about how to be healthy and guess what? I am doing pretty good at that. He talked about the importance of exercise also.
So this week was a very hot week. I was between 105 degrees and 112 degrees. We tracked out in it and man, was I sweaty. But we are still alive. The thing that stinks about this heat wave is that it wouldn't cool down at night, so it was a rough night's sleep because Sister Adams does not like to use her air conditioner. I love her house. It is beautiful and we live in the countryside on the foot of the mountain. You can hear nature in the morning when you get up and it just feels wonderful. It is also clean air :)
So this next week is also going to be super busy. We have Zone Meeting on Monday where my companion and I will train our Zone. I am training on the importance of "Preach My Gospel". I titled it "Preach My Gospel, A Missionary Playbook." I feel a lot more confident about this one. I was really nervous when I gave my first training last transfer. But now that I am getting the whole swing of things, it should g a lot better.
We are also doing service for the California Speedway on Wednesday from 1 pm until 8:30 pm and Friday from 6 am until 1 pm. I am pretty excited for that. I do not know everything that we are doing.
So this coming Saturday the 27th, we have a baptism for Justin Freeman. Dad, this kid is an animal and I have never seen or heard of anything like this. He reads 50-100 pages a day out of the scriptures. He always has questions written down to ask about wheat he has read. On Thursday he had 49 questions written down to ask us. It is just amazing. He also decided to get a haircut and shave and he looks great and so sharp. I am going to have to get you a before and after picture.
Also, on the 28th we get to go to a wedding in Apple Valley:), my Greenie area. My companion Elder Lott, was teaching them before they left, so that means I may be able to see a couple of families in my Greenie ward. I have not been there for over a year.
Well Dad, I love you so much and I want you to know you are my best friend.
Love your Son,
Elder Williamson