Before we began, I made sure it was okay for her to have help with this project. I was informed that family participation was encouraged, so I pulled out my watercolors and let loose. I was determined that we would not be running to a store to purchase any supplies for this assignment. I get so tired of spending money on stuff that will eventually be thrown in the trash. We did not have the right colors of butcher paper, so we ended up painting quite a bit of it.
Now...let me explain what the symbols mean. The Bee indicates that she is always on the move and gets things done. So true. The Peacock shows that she takes pride in her appearance, inside and out. The circle with the number 5 in the middle means that she is the fifth child in our family. The beach scene shows what she enjoys - sun, summer and beaches.
I was actually surprised at how creative she was. Using ribbon on top of the peacock's head was her idea as was his feet. She also wanted the bee with the buzzing lines to show movement. Very cute.
This little project ended up taking us 5 hours to complete...yep...you read that right. FIVE HOURS. Both of us were ready to put it away by the time we glued the last thing in place. I told Emma that we both deserve an "A" for effort. And I am happy to report that this is the very last time I will ever have to deal with this project again :)