Here are some things I love about Joshua:
1. His wicked (extremely wicked) sense of humor. He is always making me laugh. One time I remember him calling me "woman". Okay...not funny at the moment. I stopped in my tracks (literally), turned to him and calmly corrected him. He then smiled and said "Jesus called his mother "woman"" He then directed me to the scriptures where it was. How do you argue with that? However, he never called me that again. Smart kid.
2. His intellect. This kid is smart...very smart. He is like a sponge and loves to challenge himself and learn new things. He has been blessed with a great mind. I am constantly reminding him to use it for good :)
3. His love of reading. How many 16 year old boys ask for the entire collection of Sherlock Holmes books for Christmas? Love it!
4. He does not care what people think about him. This attribute is somewhat alarming to his some of his siblings. I, on the other hand, encourage it. Last Halloween at the last minute he decided to dress up as a lady bug, complete with wings and antennas. Jenni was shocked. She could not believe that he was walking out the door in that get up. It was great!
5. He is very responsible. This is the first child that we have not had to give a curfew to. The older kids are outraged, but I just tell them that until he does something stupid, he can come home whenever he wants. The latest that I recall him ever being is 1 am.
6. He loves chocolate. Need I say more? Kindred spirit.
7. He is a night owl. I love staying up late with him and watching YouTube clips and listening to music. Josh is definitely a night person...not morning. He is rather grumpy first thing in the morning, but about 8pm he seems to hit his stride and is very enjoyable. We have had a lot of fun stay up late together.
I love you very much, Joshua Shawn, and hope you have a great birthday!