Today was our ward's annual Primary Program. I have had the opportunity to teach the 7 year old class this past year and I love it! They are so cute and I have learned to love each and every child for who they are. They have certainly taught me so very much.
The theme for our program was "My Eternal Family". What a great church we have that is centered of eternal families. As we were singing some of the songs and listening to the sweet, pure testimonies of different children, I could not help but feel the spirit and begin to get a big lump on my throat. When I hear the words to songs they really seem to touch my heart. One song that has really had an impact on me this year is "Love Is Spoken Here".
The words that really spoke to me are:
I see my mother kneeling with our family each day.
I hear the words she whispers as she bows her head to pray.
Her plea to the Father quiets all my fears,
And I am thankful, love is spoken here.
Mine is a home where every hour
Is blessed by the strength of priesthood power.
With father and mother leading the way,
teaching me how to trust and obey;
And the things they teach are crystal clear,
For love is spoken here.
What a beautiful image this made in my mind. How thankful I am that I can be part of the restored gospel and to also have my family sealed to me forever. I can think of no greater happiness than to have an eternal family. As I was pondering this, it came time for Emma to give her short talk. We had practiced it many times so that she would have it memorized and she was more than ready for her moment. She was the last speaker of the program and I said a silent prayer to myself that she would be able to do her best. When she started to speak she began to cry and I realized that she was feeling the spirit. What a sweet moment. She told her simple story and touched my heart so very deeply. What a priviledge to partake of her testimony. I will always remember that feeling I had watching her testify of eternal families with such humble power. How thankful I am for the opportunity I have had on this earth to be a mother and be part of an eternal family.