Today is Tara's birthday! Tara was definitely my best baby. She was so calm and docile. She hardly ever cried and was such a calming influence on the family. While I was pregnant with her I kept going into early labor. Ironically, she was born one week late. I should have known then that this little girl would be full of surprises.
Tara was our only child born outside of Utah. She was born in Atlanta, Georgia and Greg desperately wanted to give her a good southern name. His first choice was (and yes, it still makes me cringe to even type it) was "Bonnie Blue". Tara thanks me often that I held my ground and said "absolutely not!" I did, however, compromise with his second choice, Tara Leigh. She is named after the movie "Gone With The Wind"...you know, Vivian Leigh and the name of the plantation, Tara. I finally caved when I was in labor and saw that the nametag on the nurse helping me said "Tara". I decided it was a sign.
I love the picture above. It seems especially applicable now that she will be married in just a few short weeks. Tara will be a great wife and mother and I look forward to seeing her grow in this next stage of her life. We love you very much, Tara! Happy Birthday :D