Today would have been my Grandma's 95th birthday. I know I have blogged about her before, but she was truly a remarkable woman and I miss her. I catch myself thinking that she is still down at Jamestown and that I need to go visit her....crazy, I know. These past few days she has really been on my mind and so I decided that our family would have a small birthday party for her. Yesterday after General Conference we had a lemon birthday cake and sang "Happy Birthday" to Grandma. Yeah...my kids thought I was nuts, but I don't really care. I also had each of them write down one of there favorite memories of her. Here is what they came up with...
Christopher: "Eating the taffy in her candy bowl outside her door at Jamestown and dancing to the player piano."
Jenni: "My favorite memory of Grandma is going to her house in Orem and playing downstairs with the piano that played by itself."
Tara: "My favorite memory of Grandma Brinkerhoff is when we would visit her at Jamestown and feed the ducks. It was always a lot of fun to visit her. I miss her and love her."
Josh: "I remember how fun it was doing the 12 days of Christmas for her and Lloyd."
Emma: "Feeding the ducks and playing with the toys in her room."
Greg: "She was steadfast in living the gospel."
Me: "I love the story involving Christopher and Tyson. Grandma had asked them to come to her house to help with some yard work. We were able to provide transportation one way, but could not get them home. As many people will recall, Grandma was driving long past the time when she should have been. She offered to get them home, and for some strange reason, we agreed. When the time arrived to come home, Christopher and Tyson climbed in the back seat with Grandma as the chauffeur. As Grandma began to drive to our home, she hit a curb, which alarmed the boys. Tyson quipped to Christopher "It is a good thing that I have been on an airplane and know how to assume the crash position."
I have many more stories that I could tell, but I suppose the most important thing to relate would be that she had the strongest testimony of this gospel of anyone I knew. She was certainly steadfast and immovable and a wonderful example to all her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I love you Grandma and can't wait to see you again :)
(The picture above is of my brother, Mark, and my Grandma at her birthday some time ago)