I arrived on Sunday evening and on Monday morning we finished up the packing that she was not able to complete with Pete's help. I was simply amazed at the amount of packing she had completed. My Mom has some serious health issues and I was certain that I would have lots of boxes left to pack. I have no doubt that she was blessed to be able to get as much done as she did. Just another testament to me that she was supposed to move.
Tuesday was the big move and she had hired a moving company to come move all the furniture and leftover boxes. During the past few weeks, Pete would help her take a load over bit by bit. My cousin Carl and his family (who lived close by) also came over and helped transport boxes to the new home. By the time that Tuesday finally came, she pretty much had all the boxes already at the new home.
I spent the remainder of the week unpacking. I was pretty happy that all but two boxes were unpacked when I left on Saturday afternoon. She still has some organizing to do, but everything is in the general area. The picture above is the home we just moved her from. Below is the new one.

I also forgot to post a picture of the entertainment center. This has kind of a funny story to it. Mom has a cable box and also a DVD/VCR player. We needed to hook up both of them to her TV and nobody could figure it out. Well...Dayna and I decided that we could do it. I am not sure what were thinking. Both of us would certainly fit into the category of Electronic Illiterate. We started about 9 pm and around 11 pm we decided it was time to call the cable company because we KNEW that it was hooked up correctly, but we still could not get a picture. By this time, all three of us were so tired and laughing uncontrollably at everything. So...I was volunteered to call the cable dude. His name was Juan and he was very helpful. I told him our plight and he told me that he wanted me to check some connections. The first thing he had me check was to see if the actual cable was connected to the right knobby thingy in the back. Well guess what??? Surprise, surprise, we had it in the "out" and not in the "in". We hung up and fixed it thinking that was the end. Not so. We finally gave up until morning and called it a night around 11:30 pm. The next morning the Re-Bath dudes showed up and spotted the cables (they were everywhere) and asked if we needed some help. Did we ever!!! Come to find out we only had one connection on the back of the TV off. Evidently we had an "In" instead of an "Out". I have decided after this entire experience that I will never look at a cable box the same. And I also have a large amount of respect for the Cable Guys out there.