I have always loved art. I have many times tried to get my children to have the same kind of appreciation for art that I do, but I think that I may have failed. I remember one time Greg and I decided for Family Home Evening we would take the kids down to
BYU to see an art exhibit. We got to the exhibit hall only to find out that it was some kind of expressive art display...and it was VERY strange to say the least. I think that left a sour taste for art in each of my children's mouth and they often tease me when they remember that experience. I hear
taunting such as "Remember that time Mom tried to make us appreciate art..." and then they proceed to talk about all the
negative things from that experience. Yeah, yeah, yeah...well I still love going to art exhibits. My Dad instilled this love I have for it due in a large part because he was an artist and art teacher.
When I was a child, we were not allowed to have coloring books. I remember having all the blank white paper I wanted, but no coloring books. I think that something is to be said for that because all four of us children have some kind of talent for art. However, my Dad is the only one that was able to make a living with it. He spends numerous hours, even years working on his bronzes. The one above is of the race called Peking to Paris that happened on 1909. It is really an amazing piece. Below is one of my favorite bronzes. It is called "Cattail Escape". I think that I love it so much because it reminds me of all the deer I would see in the large field just outside our picture window in the old farmhouse.

Just below is a watercolor. This one is called "Forgotten Lilacs" and is actually the home that my Dad was born in Waverly, Iowa. This is also one of my favorite watercolors that he has done. I have a copy of this print in my front room so that I can see it everyday. I love it.

Maybe sometime my kids will appreciate art. I am not sure when, but I hope that it is soon or they may someday realize that they missed something wonderful.