Monday, December 29, 2008
That Snowman Looks Familiar...

Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Day 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy 20th Birthday Jenni!

Greg's family had come from Alabama to spend Christmas with us. We were living in Salt Lake at the time and on the 23rd of December Greg, his Dad and brother, Steve, all traveled through the snow to Provo to watch the BYU Cougar Classic (men's college basketball tournament) at the Marriott Center. Greg's Mom and two sisters had taken my car to the mall to finish up their Christmas shopping. I decided to stay home with Christopher (who was 14 months) and my sister in law, June stayed with me to give me a perm. Just as we were getting ready to take out the rods from the perm, my water broke! So there I was, stranded with no car and beginning labor. I decided that I somehow needed to get ahold of Greg. Bake in good ole' 1988 we did not have cell phones. I called the Marriott Center and told them that my husband was there and that I had an emergency at home. They told me that they would find him. Well...I guess they flashed an emergency message on the scoreboard for "Greg Williamson to please come to First Aid" for the entire arena to see.
About this time, Greg's mom and sisters arrived back at our apartment and drove me to the hospital where I met Greg a few hours later. She was born at 11 am on Christmas Eve and I left the hospital at 7 pm that night so that I could spend Christmas morning with Christopher. Jenni slept in a little moses basket under the Christmas tree that night with her Aunt Stephanie and Aunt Michelle right beside her.
Jenni was actually a very shy when she was small. I know that is hard to believe! Her very first Primary program she got up to the pulpit and looked out at the audience and started to cry uncontrollably. I had to walk all the way to the front and retrieve her and calm her down. My how things have changed! We love you Jenni and hope that you have a wonderful birthday!

Christmas Past
Monday, December 22, 2008
All Good Things Come To An End

A big THANK YOU to all the leaders I had the opportunity to work with. We have shared so many things. I never would have thought in a million years that I would ever stand up in front of an audience and sing karaoke to Britney Spears "Oops, I Did It Again" with Shazelle. It is amazing what you find yourself doing for these girls. Thanks again for all the good times!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Annual Christmas Sing

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Two Months and Counting...

Last year at this time was a particularly dark period for our family. I remember talking to Bishop Wirtz and saying that I thought that sending young men on missions was supposed to bring families blessings. Without even hesitating, he replied "Maybe this IS the blessing." How true those words were and how wise his counsel has been. Our family has grown so much closer and the spirit is so much stronger in our home. The gratitude I feel for Christopher and the sacrifice that he made really has touched my heart. I am truly lucky to be his mother. I know that when he returns that it will be an adjustment, but I cannot wait for him to walk towards me in that airport and give me a big hug! Love you, Son!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Another Kind of Bug
This past week our home has been infected with yet another virus. However, this one is of the computer variety. Greg has been working his magic, but our computer is still not up to par. We can get the internet up now (which is an improvement), but we still cannot upload pictures to our blog. Hence, the lack of postings in the past week. Hopefully we will soon have everything up and running and we can get back to logging our day to day activities.
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