Dear Dad,
Wow, I cannot believe
that the summer is pretty much over. Man, it needs to slow down. As you know, I got transferred and I was pretty sad at first, but I knew I was going to leave. I loved San B and I had a great time serving in the singles ward and seeing how they do things. I am now in
Adelanto, which is much like
Phelan except we have paved roads and there is a whole lot more black people. The area is doing great and we are teaching a lot of people. We actually don't eve tract that much because we go from appointment to appointment. I have never been to an area where the people are so prepared to hear the Gospel.
My new companion is Elder Marc A Philips. He is from Colorado and has been out for almost 19 months. We get along great and are having a blast. He is my favorite companion since I have been Zone Leader. Dad, this Gospel is so powerful and it can bring joy and
love in your life. Not only does your love grow for your Father in heaven, but also for our families. My testimony still continues to grow. My love for the Saviour is indescribable. I have come to an understanding of the gospel and why everyone needs it. Elder Phillips and I have had some powerful lessons together. We teach very well together and we just have awesome companion harmony.
We also had a 2 week missionary who turned out to be an 8 day missionary. He had an accident and I will have to send the tape home to let you know what happened. Long story short, he hurt his foot and had to get stitches.
So yesterday I had a powerful experience. I got to go back to
Fontana in the Live Oak ward and baptize Brother Guerrero. It was amazing to see him in white and to hear him bear his heart felt testimony. When I was teaching him a few months ago, his family was having a hard time and he and his wife were struggling. At the baptism they were holding hands and they just looked so happy. Knowing that I was an instrument in our Father in heaven's hand to bring eternal joy to a family just touched my heart.
I have found it hard at time to recognize the spirit and he is
always talking to us and giving us direction. We just need to listen more clearly. On August 4
th we are having a Zone Meeting and we have the opportunity to train the Elders and Sisters in our Zone. I am training on opposition and overcoming hard time and using the Atonement in our lives. The training went pretty well and I think the Zone really enjoyed it. So this coming weekend on the 9
th our ward is having a luau. The thing that is so cool ab out this ward is how diverse it is. We have
alot of
polynesian families and also a couple black families. I just love the variety. So anyways, about the luau. My companion, Elder Phillips and I are doing some kind of
Somoan dance. I guess this luau is a huge thing and people from all over come to this. I am very excited to wear a lava lava with a shirt and tie with flip flops!
So being in leadership just drains the
energy right out of you and I never realized how much work it is to be in leadership. You always have someone else on your mind and I really want to do all I can do to help the Elders in my Zone.
Dad, I love this work and I will re-dedicate myself. I know what I need to do. I just need to do it. You get so tired, but I know the Lord will bless you when you do all that you can.
Well Dad, I love you so much. I enjoy
letters from you. Our relationship has grown so much and I also believe it is because our testimonies have grown together.
I love you,
Elder Williamson