I remember how hard it was to get all four of these little kids (ages 1-7) ready for a picture and then the task of keeping them neat until the session was over. Tara had cut her hair just a few days prior (as you can clearly see) and not one of the photos taken that day had Christopher looking directly forward. He was distracted by EVERYTHING around the camera. Josh was tired and wanted a nap and Jenni was in one of her "moods". Aunt Dayna had made the cute little dresses for the girls and I had rushed to the fabric store to get some ribbons for their hair right before we left the house. If you look closely, you can also see the little necklaces Aunt Dayna bought the girls as well.
After looking at all of the proofs a few days later I contimplated re-doing the session because Christopher was not facing forward in any of them. I all at once realized that was what I wanted to remember from this day. That is exactly how Christopher was as a child...always taking everything in around him and not paying any attention to what was right in front of him. How glad I am that I did not change my mind and re-do any of this. I really love this picture and how it makes me feel when I look at it! My, how they have all grown up.